Recently, the version of our 2020 app that you didn't have to pay for was removed by Google because it had the four letter word starting with F and ending with REE in its title. Apparently, this is a new policy with Google banning any "promotional" words despite...
1. It not being a promotion (You didn't have to pay for it from the start) and...
2. There still are lots and lots of apps currently on Google Play with that word in the title or image of their app, including Tubi, Xumo, Redbox, LG, and more. Just search for that word at Google Play and you will see all the apps there are with that word as of 11/27/2021.
We appealed, but we were rejected. Anyone who has appealed a decision by Google or YouTube before knows how far that gets you.
We are currently in the process of updating and uploading a compliant version of the app without that awful word in the title or in any of the images, and in the meantime, if you wish to support the little guy instead of the Tubis, Xumos and Redboxes of the world who all seem to be exempt from Google rules for some reason, we encourage you to purchase Battery Notifier Pro BT 2020 at what we consider a very reasonable price. :-)